Rio de Janeiro Travel Guide: Portuguese Language Phrases
It is always helpful to be familiar with basic phrases in a foreign country you may visit and Brazil is no exception. Cariocas are known to be helpful but also appreciate the effort in communication by tourists. Here are a few key phrases you should familiarize yourself with when planning a Brazilian vacation to Rio de Janeiro.
Yes/No: Sim/Não
Maybe: Talvez
Please: Se faz favour/Por favor
Thank you: Obrigado/a
You're welcome: De nada
Excuse me: Desculpe
Hello: Bom dia
Good evening: Boa tarde
Goodbye: Adeus
What time does __ leave/arrive?: A que horas parte/chega.?
-the boat: o barco
-the bus (intercity): a camioneta
-the metro: o metro
-the train: o combóio-
-the tram: o eléctrico
Where is the .?: Onde é.?
-Bank: o banco
-City centre: o centro de cidade
-Hospital: o hospital
-Hotel: um hotel
-Market: o mercado
-Police station: o posto da polícia
-Post office: os correios
-Public toilet: os sanitários
-Tourist office: o turismo
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