Sao Paulo Travel Guide: Sao Paulo Statistics
City: 11,450,249
Metro: 22,105,060
City 1,522.986 km2
Metro 7,943.818 km2 (3,067.1 sq mi)
Ethnic Backgrounds:
Italian: 6 million
Portuguese: 3 million
African: 3 million
Arab: 1 million
German: 400,000
Japanese: 326,000
Chinese: 120,000
Jewish: 60,000
Bolivian: 60,000
Greeks: 50,000
Korean: 50,000
Catholic: 7,107,261 (68.11%)
Protestant: 1,663,131 (15.94%)
No religion: 936,474 (8.97%)
Kardecist: 286,600 (2.75%)
Buddhist: 67,591 (0.65%)
Jewish: 37,500 (0.36%)
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